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Gales Gas Bars - Gas Stations & Wholesale & Home Heating Fuel Delivery Niagara


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Do you like to pay at the pump? Great!

Do you really understand how that payment is processed? Not many do. There seems to be a lot of confusion, so we're going to explain it!

When you pay at the pump your card is automatically PRE-AUTHORIZED for $100. This is to make sure that you have enough room on the card for a purchase of up to $100. This is directly from your financial institution and the retailer has NO CONTROL over this.

That pre-authorization can take up to 72 BUSINESS hours to be removed from your card. So, if you're a person who checks your transactions regularly, you may see it!

That's when the confusion starts - because (depending on how your financial institution describes the transaction) it MAY look like an additional charge on your account.

It's NOT! It's a hold on the money that YOU authorized by using the pay-at-pump option. The money will be released - but the timeframe is up to your financial institution.

While we understand that this can be confusing, and can be frustrating, it is NOT something the retailer can control.

So, please stop yelling at us?

Much appreciated.
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1 CommentComment on Facebook

Well said!!! I wish bank tellers could also explain this to customers because sometimes they come yelling after they have spoken to a teller that has explained it wrong.

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7 months ago

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8 months ago

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Gales owner, Jessica Friesen, has been featured on the cover of Convenience Store News Canada & OCTANE May issue! Three cheers for Gales! #FuellingNiagara #FuellingPeopleHot off the presses! The May/June issues.
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Gales owner, Jessica Friesen, has been featured on the cover of Convenience Store News Canada & OCTANE May issue! Three cheers for Gales! #FuellingNiagara #FuellingPeople
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